Yonah Levy
2 min readDec 12, 2020


What does courage look like for you? All of us have fears. Some fears are so strong they take over our minds and bodies and can paralyze us. There’s also fear as stress, which we know if it dominates, leads to ill health and deeply challenging experiences.

So what is the antidote for fear? It’s usually in the poison. You see, almost all of the time our greatest fears are in our minds and bodies. In meditation we can surrender to the monsters of our imagination. We can allow the imagined worst case scenarios to happen in thought, and feel the intense sensations in our bodies. In doing this we stop mental avoidance and resistance to our fears and discomforts.

Resistance = Suffering

Allowing = Freedom

Often when we allow the mental pictures to play out, something magic happens, we realize we’re still ok on the other side of the event, whatever it is.

Practically speaking, one of the fastest ways to build confidence is to lean into what’s feared. Of course there is smart fear that this doesn’t apply to, like the fear you might feel if you’re driving on the highway and a car starts to veer into your lane directly toward your vehicle. You benefit from listening to this fear, based on what’s actually happening in the moment, by doing what you can to avoid a collision.

What about risking bombing a voluntary presentation on something that’s really important to you at your work? How about initiating a conversation with a potential romantic partner you’re attracted to but haven’t talked to yet? What about being yourself, really yourself, despite being taught in the past you have to be someone else to be acceptable. What joy comes from risking the authenticity of being you, honest and real without filters?

Courage is steadiness and action in the face of fear — stillness and motion toward fear in the face of your inner serpents. Your heart will always tell you whether you are on or off track, so listen closely and act accordingly.

Since 2004 I’ve been helping people find peace and thrive as a transformational coach, mindfulness and meditation teacher, and corporate trainer. Send me a note at Thrive@YonahLevy.com to learn how I can help you and your business shine.



Yonah Levy

20 Year Counselor, Executive Coach, Holistic Business Wellness Consultant, and Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer. Empowering You to Thrive.